followings are new studies published in the month of January 2013
which show biological effects of electromagnetic radiation at
cellphone, WiFi, powerline intensities.
these biological effects are being denied by Health Canada's and
US FCC's outdated "safety" standard because they claim that if the
radiation doesn't heat up one's body, nothing else happens! They use
a plastic head called S.A.M. (Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin)
filled with fluid to do their "heating" test. It is only
tested for 6 minutes, not chronic exposure as in real life, and the test
has no provision for any biological change except temperature
S.A.M. head is sized for a 220 lb and 6'2" American soldier.
D, Djordjevic B, Kocic G, Babovic P, Ristic G, Stanojkovic Z,
Sokolovic DM, Veljkovic A, Jankovic A, Radovanovic Z (2012), Bratisl
Lek Listy 113 (5): 265 – 269
authors conclude that microwave exposure could
cause a body
mass decrease and anxiety related behavior.
28.01.13: Heart
rate variability (HRV) analysis in radio and TV broadcasting stations
Bortkiewicz A, Gadzicka E, Szymczak W, Zmyslony M (2012), Int J Occup Med Environ Health: in press
Bortkiewicz A, Gadzicka E, Szymczak W, Zmyslony M (2012), Int J Occup Med Environ Health: in press
authors concluded that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic
fields may affect
the neurovegetative regulation
of the cardiovascular
28.01.13: The
effects of a 1.8 GHz continuous electromagnetic fields on mucociliary
transport of human nasal mucosa.
In SM, Kim HJ, Park RW, Kim W, Gimm YM, Park I, Hong S, Hong JJ, Oh JH, Kahng H, Park EY (2012), Laryngoscope: in press
In SM, Kim HJ, Park RW, Kim W, Gimm YM, Park I, Hong S, Hong JJ, Oh JH, Kahng H, Park EY (2012), Laryngoscope: in press
authors summarize that exposure to
a 1.8 GHz electromagnetic
field may inhibit
the ciliary beat frequency via
an "novel protein
kinase C"
dependent mechanism...”.
23.01.13: Case-control
study of paternal occupation and childhood leukaemia in Great
Britain, 1962-2006.
Keegan TJ, Bunch KJ, Vincent TJ, King JC, O'Neill KA, Kendall GM, Maccarthy A, Fear NT, Mfg M (2012), Br J Cancer 107 (9): 1652 – 1659
Keegan TJ, Bunch KJ, Vincent TJ, King JC, O'Neill KA, Kendall GM, Maccarthy A, Fear NT, Mfg M (2012), Br J Cancer 107 (9): 1652 – 1659
authors concluded that the results show some support for a positive
association between childhood
leukemia risk and
paternal occupation involving [electromagnetic] social contact.
Additionally, the study provided additional evidence for
higher occupational [electromagnetic] social class being a risk
factor for childhood
leukemia. ”
22.01.13: Oxidative
stress induced by 1.8 GHz radio frequency electromagnetic radiation
and effects of garlic extract in rats.
Avci B, Akar A, Bilgici B, Tuncel OK (2012), Int J Radiat Biol 88 (11): 799 - 805
Avci B, Akar A, Bilgici B, Tuncel OK (2012), Int J Radiat Biol 88 (11): 799 - 805
authors summarize that the exposure to
a radiofrequency electromagnetic
field at
1.8 GHz … led
to protein oxidation in
the brain tissue and
an increase in serum nitric
oxide level.
17.01.13: Electromagnetic
fields at 2.45 GHz trigger changes in heat shock proteins 90 and 70
without altering apoptotic activity in rat thyroid gland.
Misa Agustino MJ, Leiro JM, Jorge Mora MT, Rodriguez-Gonzalez JA, Jorge Barreiro FJ, Ares-Pena FJ, Lopez-Martin E (2012), Biol Open 1 (9): 831 – 838
Misa Agustino MJ, Leiro JM, Jorge Mora MT, Rodriguez-Gonzalez JA, Jorge Barreiro FJ, Ares-Pena FJ, Lopez-Martin E (2012), Biol Open 1 (9): 831 – 838
results suggest that exposure to
a 2.45 GHz electromagnetic
field may
alter levels of cellular stress in rat thyroid
15.01.13: Melatonin
modulates wireless (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative injury through TRPM2
and voltage gated Ca(2+) channels in brain and dorsal root ganglion
in rat.
Naziroglu M, Celik O, Ozgul C, Cig B, Dogan S, Bal R, Gumral N, Rodriguez AB, Pariente JA (2012), Physiol Behav 105 (3): 683 - 692
Naziroglu M, Celik O, Ozgul C, Cig B, Dogan S, Bal R, Gumral N, Rodriguez AB, Pariente JA (2012), Physiol Behav 105 (3): 683 - 692
authors conclude that exposure to
a wireless device of 2.45 GHz could induce oxidative
stress in
the dorsal root ganglion [a
nodule on the dorsal root of the spine that contains nerve
cells] ... ”.
07.01.13: Neurodevelopmental
anomalies of the hippocampus in rats exposed to weak intensity
complex magnetic fields throughout gestation.
Fournier NM, Mach QH, Whissell PD, Persinger MA (2012), Int J Dev Neurosci 30 (6): 427 – 433
Fournier NM, Mach QH, Whissell PD, Persinger MA (2012), Int J Dev Neurosci 30 (6): 427 – 433
findings suggest that prenatal exposure to
complex magnetic
fields of
a narrow intensity window during development could result in subtle
but permanent
alterations in hippocampal structure
and function. ”
Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi-Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) * Click on the image or the link to access all pages.