BCCPAC 2013 Resolution: On/Off Switches for WiFi Routers and Protocol
for Use of Wireless Devices
by strong majority votes (140-94) on May 4, 2013. Last year, the two
resolutions passed by BCCPAC called for a halt in installing wireless
network where other networking solutions are feasible, and for the
creation of at least one fully-wired school at each level per school
district. This 2013.11 resolution focuses on schools which already
have WiFi installed and cannot get it removed right now. The British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) represents 670+ public school PACs and district PACs in the province in 2013.
read the resolution along with the rationale which contains important
safety information not just for the school environment, but for homes
as well. Please share this information with parents, grandparents,
teachers, school administrators and school board trustees. We demand
that safety protocol be put in place.
SD8 respects Winlaw Parents - turns off WiFi
Former Microsoft Canada President agrees School WiFi is a Potential
Health Hazard
Neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield:
Screen Time associated with Negative Changes to Children's Brains
WiFi in Schools - a Teacher's Perspective
Canada's Spokesperson for WiFi Safety is Funded by Wireless Telecom
7. Dr.
Devra Davis addresses the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (NIEHS) on Cellphone Radiation
Experts Adopted New Resolutions on Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation:
should not be placed in schools..."